Board Members

Board members serve six-year terms and are elected by sorghum producers across the state through a nomination and ballot process held on odd numbered years. There are three TGSB districts for a total of 15 board members: North (5 members), Central (3 members) and South (7 members).

Past-Chairman – James Born, Booker (N)
Chairman – Jim Massey IV, Robstown (S)
Vice-Chairman – A.J. Kresta, Wharton (S)
Secretary/Treasurer – Josh Birdwell, Malone (C)

North (N) District Members:
James Born, Booker (2027)
Kathy Brorman, Hereford (2029)
Blake Tregellas, Perryton (2029)
Barry Evans, Kress (2071)
Kevin Pshigoda, Perryton (2025)

Central (C) District Members:
Jay Wilder, Snook (2029)
Josh Birdwell, Malone (2027)
Charles Ray Huddleston, Celina (2025)

South (S) District Members:
Timothy Otahal, Robstown (2027)
Marvin (Trey) Beyer III, Portland (2029)
A.J. Kresta, El Campo (2025)
Jim Massey IV, Robstown (2027)
Chuck McDonald, Monte Alto (2025)
Glenn Wilde, Lyford (2029)
Samuel Simmons Jr, Harlingen (2025)

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