Sorghum Tips

Grain Sorghum Hybrid Tolerant Hybrids—Expanded List, USCP

This tip was provided by:

Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, Lubbock, 806-746-6101,


Grain Sorghum Hybrid Tolerant Hybrids—Expanded List, USCP

United Sorghum Checkoff Program director of agronomy Dr. Brent Bean has updated his annual list of tolerant grain sorghum hybrids.  Dr. Bean notes directly on the USCP website:

“The (link) lists those sorghum hybrids that have been identified over the last two years that have tolerance to sugarcane aphid based on university and other independent trials.   All the hybrids listed are being marketed by their respective seed companies as sugarcane aphid tolerant.   This is not a complete list and companies may be promoting additional hybrids as sugarcane aphid tolerant.  Only those hybrids that have been identified as tolerant by a third party have been included here. Research has shown that sugarcane aphids reproduce slower on tolerant hybrids and in some cases, hybrids are able to withstand a higher sugarcane aphid population without a reduction in yield compared to susceptible hybrids.   Tolerant hybrids have been shown to delay when sugarcane aphids may reach the economic threshold.  Growers, however, should scout and apply an insecticide to tolerant hybrids if and when the economic threshold is reached.  In some cases, multiple applications of insecticide may be necessary.”

There are 52 hybrids among breeding and seed companies.  An earlier Sorghum Tip noted which hybrids have received specific testing by Texas A&M AgriLife staff.  See the March 9 Tip at

All sorghum hybrids identified as SCA tolerant in the above Sorghum Tip tested by Texas A&M AgriLife are listed in the USCP list with one exception.  Pioneer 85Y34 was strongly tolerant in Texas A&M AgriLife trials at Lubbock as well as Oklahoma State Univ.  Also, we share that Texas A&M AgriLife has found some hybrids have varying tolerance depending on the location.  For example, Dekalb DKS 37-07 appears to be less tolerant in the Texas High Plains than downstate.).  All hybrids designated in the above link by Texas A&M AgriLife entomologists based their trial results only on tests from the Texas Coastal Bend to Dallas (not the Texas High Plains).

View the current United Sorghum Checkoff Program list of tolerant hybrids at  Again, not all hybrids that have tolerance to SCA are on this list because there is not yet sufficient third-party data.  Ask your seed dealer about their hybrids and which one may fit your needs the best.

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