Sorghum Tips

Scouting for Sugarcane Aphids

This tip was provided by:

Ronnie Schnell, Cropping Systems – Statewide, College Station,

South and Central Texas

Scouting for Sugarcane Aphids

Sugarcane aphids are currently found in many sorghum fields in the southern and coastal areas of Texas. The distribution of the aphid is expanding north into central Texas. Sugarcane aphid distribution is being tracked at: This map shows where the aphid has been detected but not the level of infestation.

Many fields have been sprayed in the Rio Grande Valley and Coastal Bend. Some fields in the upper Gulf coast are reaching threshold and will require treatment. It is important to scout frequently and thoroughly once aphids are detected. Recommended scouting methods differ for south and central Texas compared to the High Plains region of Texas. Specific recommendations can be found at:

When scouting, make sure to identify the aphid. Yellow sugarcane aphid, corn leaf aphids or greenbugs may be present. Thresholds and control methods will differ for these pests compared to sugarcane aphids. If chemical control of sugarcane aphids is needed, keep in mind pre-harvest intervals and spray restrictions. Transform cannot be used from 3 days pre-bloom until after seed set.

If you have planted hybrids with resistance or tolerance to sugarcane aphids, keep in mind that the hybrid is not immune to sugarcane aphids and needs to be scouted. Sugarcane aphid populations may take more time to reach economic threshold, if at all.

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