Sorghum Tips

Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab (TPPDL)

This tip was provided by:
Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, Lubbock, 806-746-6101,


Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab (TPPDL)
A service of Texas A&M University’s Department of Plant Pathology

In the previous Sorghum Tip we discussed where producers, agronomists, and others can access not only pictures of various sorghum diseases but also an understanding of the biology of common diseases in grain sorghum and possible management strategies.

But sometimes pictures just won’t do.  Or you need an accurate diagnosis.

Enter TPPDL!  This Plant Path lab and its clientele services may be accessed through  With the exception of sorghum ergot sample analysis for seed, all sorghum samples in need of diagnostics may be submitted by filling out form AG-1178 then submitting the sample to Texas A&M.  Cost is $35 per sample (out-of-state samples pay a surcharge).  Instructions are on page 2 of the form.



Texas A&M AgriLife Plant Pathologists for Grain Sorghum

Three primary staff for AgriLife are experts on grain sorghum diseases among their primary duties.  These are:

These pathologists can help you with any field, hybrid, or management issues you may be facing with regard to grain sorghum and plant health.

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