
Monthly Archive for: ‘July, 2012’

Grain Sorghum, Surface Residue and Soil Organic Matter

Statewide We all know that crop rotation has its place in cropping of any type, but factors like commodity prices, crop insurance, the equipment you have, and even your landlord will influence cropping and rotations.  Sorghum, like corn, no—more than corn—affords a residue producing crop on your land with a fibrous root system that is well distributed in at least …

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Harvest Aids

Statewide Sodium chlorate and glyphosate are labeled for pre-harvest use in grain sorghum.  The former is a burn down chemical that acts as a defoliant, whereas glyphosate (technically labeled for weed control) kills the plant which aids in drydown.  For seed milo growers, diquat dibromide is also labeled.  Although limited Texas AgriLife research has not demonstrated yield differences among treated …

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