
Monthly Archive for: ‘July, 2013’

Iron (Fe) Deficiency in Grain Sorghum

Statewide Iron deficiency related to caliche soils and outcroppings in West Texas (usually pH ≥ 7.9) or frequent alkali spots in fields (Coastal Bend, South Texas). This is a particular concern for sorghum. Chalky soils that appear whitish across the field should probably never have grain sorghum, and it is prohibitively expensive to correct it. Many fields, however, simply experience …

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Heat Stress & Sorghum Growth

Statewide  “Do you regularly see grain sorghum suffer from heat stress, even if moisture is adequate? If so, about how hot is too hot and at what stage of growth is grain sorghum most susceptible?” There are two critical times in sorghum growth and development which are particularly sensitive to heat:  1) about 30-35 days after planting, when sorghum’s growing …

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