
Monthly Archive for: ‘September, 2013’

Wrapping up the Season – Assessing your Sorghum Crop & Potential Improvement

Statewide Producers in the Coastal Bend and through much of Central Texas have put their sorghum crop to rest with mixed results. High Plains grain sorghum ranges from through the combine to late-planted crops that are only 2 weeks or so past flowering. In assessing this year’s crop, drought again has played a major role in most Texas grain sorghum …

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Economic “Loss” from Selling Low Moisture Grains Due to Excessive Harvest Delay

Statewide Producers understand the need for timely harvest to minimize potential lodging and the reduction in yield. A hidden loss of gross income, however, comes from delaying harvest well beyond when grain sorghum could be cut and sold closer to (but below) 14% moisture. How can this happen? Your pay weight is not adjusted up for low moisture, so you …

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